T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

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A Numerical Study of Mixed Convection in Square Lid-Driven with Internal Elliptic Body and Constant Flux Heat Source on the Bottom Wall

( Volume 3 Issue 6,June 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

M. Jahirul Haque Munshi, M. A. Alim, Golam Mostafa


A numerical study of mixed convection in square lid- driven with internal elliptic body and constant flux heat source on the bottom wall. Mixed convection heat transfer in a two- dimensional square cavity of length (L), containing eccentric adiabatic elliptic body. The right wall heated and moving in the vertical direction while the left wall cold upward and downward lid- directions. Both the upper and lower wall adiabatic while the constant heat flux from partially heated bottom wall. Four different cases have been studied based on the location of the elliptic body. Case I, II, III and IV refer to the elliptic is located near the top, right, bottom and left walls of the cavity respectively. Results are presented for upward (+ y) and downward (- y) directions of the left lid in vertical axis and for different values of Richrdson numbers. This study is done for constant Prandtl number, Pr = 0.71.  Fluid flow and thermal fields and the local Nusselt number are presented for all four case studies. The results shows that the behavior of temperature, streamlines and velocity profile is sensitive  to the location of the elliptic body and to the direction of lid and this results explain also, that the maximum values of local Nusselt number occurs when the left lid moving downward (- y) refers to higher heat transfer.

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