T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

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A Research Paper on Applied Medical Phytogeography of Shekhawati Region

( Volume 8 Issue 12,December 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Mukesh Kumar Sharma, Dr. Ravindra Kumar Sharma


Phytogeographical, Shekhawati region, Tribulus terrestris, Tinospora cordifolia, Commiphora mukul, Adhatoda vasica, Azadirachta indica, Butea monosperma, Ficus religiosa.


The area under study i.e. Shekhawati region has a geographical spread of 26 degree 26 to 29 degree 20 N latitude and 74 degree 44 to 76 degree 34 E longitude which makes 5.6% area of the states total. It covers partly or fully three districts namely - Churu, Jhunjhunu and Sikar. The area under study consists of 15 tehsils in all, in which 3 falls under Churu district (whereas Churu district it self consists of 7 tehsils among them three are covered by Shekhawati region), six tehsils falls in each district of Jhunjhunu and Sikar, thus make 15 tehsils of Shekhawati region in all. Buhana tehsil emerged out as a new tehsil on the map of Jhunjhunu district in 2001 year, it was no existance earlier i.e. in 1991. It is very interesting as well as surprisingly to mention here on the basis of authors observations that recently some Research research paper were submitted by some researchers at the name of Shekhawati region but they excluded the part and portion of Churu districts three tehsils which fall under the geographical boundary of Shekhawati region as made by Prof. R.L. Singh from geographical boundary or deliniation point of view, is authors opinion it is quite essential for regional demarcation. This left part by some researchers covers nearly 30% are of Shekhawati regions total. But presently here the author has included this part in his research area for study to present complete or overall full informations at the name of Shekhawati region. Thus, actually, at the part of district-wise contribution made by area point of view in Shekhawati region, it is observed that part and portion of Churu district (which fall in the boundary of Shekhawati region with its partly or fully three tehsils-namely, Churu, Rajgarh and Taranagar) contributes 29%, Jhunjhunu district contributes 31% and Sikar by 40%, respectively.

The region under study has three major habitats from plant species phytogeographic pattern of distribution which are first - Sandy Plains and Sand Dunes habitat by covering of about 60% of the total geographic area under study, the habitat of Stony and Rocky formations ranks at second place by covering about 32.5% of the total geographical area under study whereas only 7.5% is covered by the third habitat of Riverine and Aquatic areas, respectively. 23 survey spots are scattered in these three major habitats in which three survey spots fall in Churu district, nine survey spots fall in Jhunjhunu district and remaining eleven in Sikar, respectively. The habitat of Sand Dunes and Sandy plains topography covers the distribution of 65 medicinal plant species out of total 122 for the area under study. It is very interesting to mention here that 80% medicinal plant species are common in both habitats i.e. Sand Dunes and Sandy Plains first habitat and Stony and Rocky the second habitat whereas the 20% medicinal plant species are common in the first habitat of Sand Dunes and Sandy Plains and another third habitat of the Riverine and Aquatic, respectively.

The author has attempt his best efforts to trace out the names of medicinal plant species which are found in Rajasthan. The distribution of medicinal plant species (Family-wise) of Rajasthan. The author has traced out 1843 medicinal plant species which are well illustrated with their medicinal plant family-wise distribution. It is very interesting to mention here that the total number of medicinal plant species are not same by their number in different medicinal plant families which are 137 in total.

The author has simplified this aspect by making six (A to F) contributory groups of medicinal plant families the six contributory groups of medicinal plant families with their respective percentage of contribution in total number of Rajasthans medicinal plant families i.e. 137. Contributory group A- (up to 1.0%) covers the maximum percentage of contribution i.e. about 86.4 percent by including maximum number of medicinal plant families which are 118 out of total 137 medicinal plant families of Rajasthan. Whereas, contributory groups-D (3% to 4%) and E ((4% to 5%)) contributes minimum percentage i.e. 0.7 percent by each by covering only one medicinal plant families, respectively.



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