T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Control of Codling Moth (Cydia Pomonella) Infestation Rate by Different Cultural Methods

( Volume 7 Issue 1,January 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Tajamul Nissar, Purnima Shrivastava


The aim of the present work is to study the control of cultural techniques on the infestation rate and to calculate the population of codling moth from the orchards of Ladakh for the sake of convenience 4 orchards of Nurla village were selected from the Union territory of Ladakh and the different cultural methods were practiced in these orchards and in which the delta traps were installed to monitor the population of codling moth only for monitor purposes. Delta traps containing lures loaded with codlimone (E,E)-8,10-doddecadien-1-ol the sex attractant which attracts male moths towards trap. The orchards taken were practiced by different methods like orchard S1 (Bur lapping ), S2 (S sanitation),S3 (Bur lapping & Sanitation ) and S4 with no method used (control ). According to the plan the visits were conducted and the result was taken to obtain the infestation rate and to analyze the population of codling moth from the selected orchards. The orchards with heavy infestation were measured in relation to the low-infested orchards of the same area containing equal number of trees. The population of the codling moth was also monitored during the three visits to these selected orchards in which the traps were installed and finally that was calculated. The table results clearly indicated that the orchard S4 were no method was practiced was heavily infested followed by S1 Bur lapping, S2 Sanitation, and very low infested S3 Bur lapping & Sanitation. The traps catch was low in S3 were bur lapping and sanitation was done followed by S2 Sanitation, S1 bur lapping, and the highest catch was at S4 were no method was practiced.  Finally the data from the orchards with high infestation and high trap catch was correlated with data from the orchards with low infestation and low trap catch. orchards.



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