T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Design and Analysis of Automobile LEAF Spring

( Volume 8 Issue 9,September 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ravindra Raju Mahajan, Prof. A. V. Patil


Ansys Workbench, CATIA V5R18, Design & Analysis Of Multi Steel Leaf Spring, LEAF Spring,


A multi-leaf spring is one of the most important components of automobile suspension system. Leaves are basically a series of flat plates, usually of semi-elliptical shape. Generally, a multi-leaf spring used in automobile suspension, consists of two types of leaves i.e., graduated-length leaves and full-length leaves. The present work is an attempt to estimate the magnitude of bending stresses in the above-mentioned leaves for a semi-elliptic multi-leaf spring made of steel. A lot of research work has been carried out in the context of leaf spring considering its material and a significant progress has been observed in the field of weight reduction, improvement of load carrying capacity when we replace the material of the spring by any advanced material like composites as E- glass/epoxy, carbon/epoxy etc. Finally referring to the results obtained in these research studies, the present work proposes a new idea regarding the construction of multi-leaf spring based on practical applications. Dimensions of the multi-leaf spring are taken from practical understanding and calculate dimension manually from standard chart of automobile spring. The multi-leaf spring was modeled in CATIA V5R18 and the same were analyzed under similar conditions using ANSYS (Workbench 12.0) software considering structural-steel as the spring material.

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