T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Design, Fabrication and Simulation of Pyramidal Horn Antenna at 950MHz frequency

( Volume 6 Issue 1,January 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

U. C. Gope, S. Rana, N.K. Das


In Modern times need for wideband applications has increased. In recent years there have been many research works are going on in the design of antenna system as it is the main source for any communication system. The horn antenna is widely used in the transmission and reception of RF(Radio Frequency)microwave signals in areas of wireless communications, also used in electromagnetic sensing, nondestructive testing and evaluation, radio frequency heating and biomedicine. Horn antennas have many advantages such as they are simple to build, provide very good directional performance and show excellent peak power handling capability.  Since horn antennas do not have any resonant elements they operate at wide range of frequencies and have a wide bandwidth. Moreover, they serve as a universal standard for calibration and gain measurements of other antennas. This paper highlights the design and fabrication of a pyramidal horn antenna and simulate of its parameters using MATLAB. The materials used for fabrication of proposed horn antenna is steel. The designed antenna has a gain of 10dB operating at 950MHz. Simulation and comparison of developed antenna with the available antenna were done by using MATLAB software.

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