T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

A cryptographic method to send a secret route or map to a receiver using concepts in graph theory and number theory

( Volume 2 Issue 12,December 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

S.A.S. Sureni Wickramasooriya, Thisal M. Weerasekara, G.H. Jayantha Lanel, T.P. de Silva, N.C. Ganegoda


Even though new solutions for   problematic situations arising from security norms are developing day by day, possibly there are some issues remaining on our hand yet to be tackled. Among those one of the major problem for almost every country might experience is routing and mapping secrecy. In detail, when sending someone’s route of some places or sending a map of protectorate places, its secrecy is the most important factor to be considered. In this study a system is developed which could be used to send a route of a particular person or a map of some specific secret place in a secret manner. Concepts in graph theory and number theory together with some cryptographic algorithms are used to develop this system. In brief, the route or map is transformed into a graph which might be directed or non-directed. Then it simplified in to a numerical value which could be encrypted by applying particular encrypting algorithm. Thereafter, encrypted numerical code is sent to the receiver. Once receiver receives that unreadable code then he/she applies decrypting algorithm on that to obtain the original numerical value. Finally, the graph can be derived from that numerical value and it could be regarded as the map or route that has been sent. However different methods are followed to send the map or route due to the directivity of the graph. Although there are some restrictions and assumptions which have been made during the process, there may be possibilities to further improve this system.

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