T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Designing the automatic train alarm system at the railway intersection

( Volume 4 Issue 4,April 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Viet Nguyen Hoang, Trang Le Thi Huyen, Hien Phan Thanh


There are around 15,000 people killed every year in rail accidents [1]. Although railway accidents often have little in the number of cases, they have serious consequences. In countries using rail transport network as much as India, every year thousands of people die due to railway accidents (according to [2] in 2014 with 2,547 people) and will continue to increase in the recent years. Some other countries, such as Vietnam, Pakistan, Spain, USA, UK, and France... railway traffic accidents are tending to increase. Major reasons leading to railway accidents may be mentioned as: Malfunction train or light signals, Failing mechanics, Inadequate maintenance of tracks, not printing plate Safety gates, Crossings that are unprotected, negligence by the conductor, Train or parts that are defective [3]. In addition to the uncontrollable (random) causes, the initiative that is increased about the alerts at the railway intersections will contribute to reduce accidents. This paper presents a study result of the alarm system at intersections between railway and road. The results have shown that the system has a number of advantages over existing systems that are being applied.

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