T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Environmental Impact of Indiscriminate Waste Disposal

( Volume 1 Issue 1,October 2014 ) OPEN ACCESS

I Abdullahi, M A Ajibike, A P Man-ugwueje, O I Ndububa


Indiscriminate waste disposal, in this study refers to the disposal of solid and liquid wastes without taking necessary measures. The huge amount of refuse is clearly increasing all over the base, littering streets and causing pollution, all of which cause untidiness to the Nigerian Air Force Base, Kaduna. The study identifies different types of solid waste and their composition in both old and new layouts of the base, which are indiscriminately disposed in the study area. The study also examined the environmental implication of indiscriminate waste disposal in the Nigerian Air Force Base. Careful analyses of the study questionnaire revealed that, there is much needed to be ingested into the management of domestic wastes from the households in the Nigerian Air Force Base, Kaduna. Significant relationship between the provision of required services and imminent need to improve on the disposal of waste was also considered. The study area practices three forms of disposal methods which are incineration, landfill system and composting. The problems of collection and disposal (management) of domestic, solid waste in the Nigerian Air Force Base, Kaduna face insufficient facilities, coordination, shortage of manpower, inadequate supervision, staff attitude and relative ignorance on the adversity of a filthy environment. The result obtained shows that domestic solid waste with 90 percent is the dominant type of waste generated, which consist of bio-degradable and non bio-degradable materials e.g. bottles, metal rags, leaves etc. The lowest type of waste generated was commercial with 10 percent. Efforts are needed from both personnel and their families and the Air Force Base authorities to promote the quality of the environment and save the health of inhabitants.

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