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ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Study on the Effect of Recycled Aggregate on the Performance of EPS Concrete

( Volume 5 Issue 3,March 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Luxin Fu, Zhirong Jia, Ruirui Jiang


The performance indexes of recycled aggregate and expanded polystyrene (EPS) particles were detected in order to study the effect of recycled aggregate on the failure mechanism and properties of EPS concrete. A series of parallel tests were designed that based on the strength forming mechanism and compressive failure theory of EPS concrete to study the effect of recycled aggregate on the performance of EPS concrete with EPS substitution rate of 50%. The results show that recycled aggregate instead of primary coarse aggregate used in EPS concrete can effectively inhibit the occurrence of segregation of EPS concrete and improve the compressive strength of EPS concrete. EPS concrete has the advantages of high safety performance, economic and environmental protection, and its application to engineering will achieve great economic and social benefits. The incorporation of recycled aggregate makes the thermal insulation coefficient of EPS concrete little change, so the effect of recycled aggregate on thermal insulation properties of EPS concrete is negligible.

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