T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Disaster Management Plan for Girnar Ropeway as per Environmental Setting at Mount Girnar

( Volume 5 Issue 8,August 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Arjun Bhindora, Dhruv Pansheriya


Over the last two decades, there is growing interest from many companies on disaster management and practices. Organizations want to lead to sustainable workforces and embrace the high performance of the service organization. The topic is of great significance in particular in the context of tourist attraction in Junagadh. The project site stretches from the foot of Mount Girnar to a point near the Ambaji Temple at the top of the Mountain. Land required for this project is 72,817m2. The project will be developed as a mode of transportation for carrying pilgrims from the foot of Mount Girnar to Ambaji Temple This paper reviews the expectation of disaster balance as per the environmental impact such as the festival of “Maha Shivratri” also considering the tourist attraction and provides a suitable context for them.A qualitative approach in a single case study identified various elements of environmental disaster balance initiatives, related outcomes in their performance. The EMP provides a delivery mechanism to address potential adverse impacts and to introduce standards of good practice to be adopted for all project works. For each stage of the programme, the EMP lists all the requirements to ensure effective mitigation of every potential biophysical and socio-economic impact identified in the EIA. Aerial Ropeway Transportation technologies (ART), a type 13 of aerial transportation mode in which passengers are transported in cabins that are suspended 14 and pulled by cables, is one popular example of these technologies. The recent introduction of 15 this technology into the urban environment, in addition to the vendors’ continuous trials to 16 improve upon existing aerial ropeway technologies has led to several recent advancements and 17 improvements to the technology as illustrated by several recent implementations around the 18 world. In this article, we try to shed some light on some of the most recent improvements in the 19 technology specifications, operation and safety considerations of ART technologies as observed 20 from several case studies around the world.



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