T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

FULangS: A Capstone Scripting Tool

( Volume 4 Issue 9,September 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Francisca O. Oladipo, Memunat A. Ibrahim, Abdul-Ahad U. Obansa, Abdulwahab A. Jatto


This paper reports the development experiences and features of FULangS, a quasi, general-purpose scripting paradigm developed at the Federal University Lokoja, Nigeria as part of the requirements for a capstone course in Survey and Organization of Programming Languages during the 2016/2017 Academic Session. FULangS was written in C programming language, with the Flex/lex environment for lexical analysis, Bison/yacc for semantic analysis and Cygwin, to build and compile the flex/lex and yacc/bison files. The language is compiled for the Microsoft Windows environment, and in addition to being functional, FULangS is also an imperative computer scripting paradigm, possessing the ability to describe a sequence of steps that change the state of the computer. FULangS scripts interprets to a virtual machine and offers special feature support for stack machines and garbage collection.

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