T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Growth and Optical Properties of Pure and Calcium doped Cadmium Tartrate Crystals by Silica Gel Method

( Volume 2 Issue 2,February 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

N. S. Patil, S.K.Bachhav, M.S.Kale, D.S.Bhavsar


In the present course of investigation, pure and calcium doped cadmium tartrate crystals were grown in silica gel at room temperature. The optimum conditions were obtained by varying various parameters such as pH of gel, concentration of gel, gel setting time, concentration of reactants etc. Crystals having different morphologies were obtained such as whitish semitransparent, star shaped, needle shaped crystals. Especially, effect of doping of calcium into cadmium tartrate has been studied with respect of size and transparency. It is found that doping enhances the size and transparency of the crystals. As grown crystals was characterized using scanning electronic microscope (SEM), UV, Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDAX).

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