T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Guaranteed O&M for Solar Plants in Vietnam - A review & Proposal on Guaranteed O&M service to foster sustainable energy generation by maximizing solar energy production and safeguarding investment

( Volume 8 Issue 7,July 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Surender Rangaraju, Osama Isaac, Phu Le Vo, Khuong Vinh Nguyen, Arjun A


O&M for Solar farms, Solar Panel maintenance, Guaranteed solar power Yield, Robots in Solar energy, PV panel cleaning robot, Guaranteed O&M for Solar farms, AI and IoT in Solar Farms, Low-cost solar e


Vietnam government has framed strategic goals to ensure that most of the households shall have access to Renewable energy in 2020. To achieve this, the government has mobilized all the resources in the society that will facilitate to provide energy at affordable price. The Vietnam government has turned its focus not just on renewable energy generation but a sustainable and low-cost energy generation that will help to boost the economic growth. Solar energy generation is one of the promising solutions that the Vietnam government relies on to produce cost effective renewable energy. The government has projected that share of solar power generation in 2020 will be around 0.5% and planning to gradually increase it to 6% by 2025 and to 20% by 2030. (Minister Of Industry and Trade, 2015) Though the Solar energy generation is the most trusted and reliable solution to generate renewable energy at an affordable cost, poor maintenance of solar panels can ruin the entire dream of the nation in achieving energy independence. The burden involved in maintaining the solar panels and retaining the energy yield over the years has been major reasons for lack of investors interest. One of the most important ways to guarantee that the solar power system generates the maximum electricity is through operation and maintenance (O&M). Consistent monitoring of the solar PV panels is the foundation of a solar power plant's operation and maintenance. This may be accomplished by maintaining the plant infrastructure and equipment with the objective of extending the life of the equipment by preventing excessive depreciation and impairment. This allows the solar power plant to generate the most energy possible throughout the course of its operational life, perfectly matching the interests of developers, clients, and investors. This article focuses on a new-found O&M model that fits for Vietnam’s solar energy market to address the Operation and Maintenance issue and to maximize energy generation and to safeguard investment. This model will also facilitate to attract more investments for the solar energy projects in Vietnam by promising guaranteed power yield.



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