T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Impact Analysis of Electric Vehicles on Distribution System

( Volume 8 Issue 11,November 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ajay Kumar Jha, Rabin Shrestha


Electric Vehicles; Distribution System; Penetration Level; Load Flow; Line Loss; Harmonics; Power Quality


With the vision of reducing the dependency on petroleum products for transportation and maximize the consumption of electricity generated, the GoN and NEA has set up plans to encourage the use of Electric Vehicles (EVs). EVs not only reduces the consumption of petroleum products for transportation but also helps in pollution free transportation. In order to compete with petroleum-based transportation, NEA has plans to set up EV charging station as many as possible. The increased number of charging station will increase the penetration level of EVs in the Distribution System.In this study of Impact Analysis of Electric Vehicles (EVs) on Distribution System, the effect of different penetration level of EV battery charging on Distribution System is analyzed. This thesis presents a methodology for modelling and analyzing load flow and harmonic analysis in a distribution system due to EVs. This study focuses on voltage deviation, line loss and total harmonic distortion caused due to different penetration level of EVs in the system. For the study purpose ETAP software is used and impacts on Patan feeder are studied on different cases of load periods and with and without EV penetration as well. Voltage Deviation and Line Loss are found to be increased at peak demand period with the increased EV penetration while THD is found to be increased at off peak period with the increased EV penetration. This is because at off peak period, with the increased EV penetration, the EV load is very high.

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