T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Knowledge Machine Design: Pathways of Knowledge in Machines

( Volume 2 Issue 5,May 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

Syed V Ahamed, Sonya M Ahamed


Knowledge  elements  are  as  universal  as life itself.  The varieties of such knowledge elements are as profuse as the diversity of life forms.  In fact, there is no life without embedded knowledge to continue and supply the essentials of living.  Conversely, there is no knowledge without life forms to support it continuum of change and adaptation.  Symbiotic as they are the interdependency has prevails since the beginnings of life.  The evolution of species is founded on the increasing complexity of kels that perpetuate knowledge to constitute new knowledge. The knowledge enhanced to gratify the needs for the incremental change in the species is time dependent statistical occurrence.   The change may be microscopic or cataclysmic.  Change and adaptation are both essential.  All forms of life abide by the law that knowledge and life are in deepest harmony just to keep living. After Darwin, we have realized that time to evolve flows through the process of neural adaptation to learn to be the fittest to survive.   Knowledge to live by and life to enhance the genetic code are the two chromosomes in the womb of humankind. In the more evolved species, the complexity of kels and their structure both reach astounding levels perhaps reaching their peaks in human beings.  In the other species, the complexity is tailored to suit their own form of life and its needs with three (physiological, safety and reproductive) lower level needs.   By process of trial and error, they learn to be optimal in the expenditure of time and energy to learn the adaptation.  In humans with higher levels of needs [1] and a higher level of comprehension, the dynamic movement of kels becomes scientific and almost mathematical process.  In this paper, we propose a mechanism for the pathways of knowledge in the society and for the graphs for solving complex problems.

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