T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Management of the Local Water Supply in the Municipality Of Ouesse in Benin

( Volume 2 Issue 9,September 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

Sewade Grégoire, Biaou Gauthier, Adjakpa Théodore, Guedenon Patient, Houssou Christophe


The availability of drinking water for the vital needs of the current and future generations is one of the biggest challenges the humanity is faced with. This study listed the problems connected to the management of the hydraulic infrastructures in the municipality of Ouèssè in the context of decentralization meant to contribute to its local development. The methodology used is based on desk study, direct observations, ground study, and processing and analysis of data. The qualitative and statistical data were collected by means of tools (questionnaires and interview guide) as well as collection techniques within different target groups (Agent, Farmer, intellectuals, resource person etc.). The study concerned three (03) villages and the research enrolled two hundred and sixty one (261) investigated persons. The professionalization of the hydraulic infrastructures in the context of decentralization ended with the community-based management in the municipality of Ouessè. That approach which is well appreciated in drinking water supply also meets chalenges. So the Weaknesses and Threats are identified as the social unrest observed at the level of some opinion leaders and the worrying silence of municipal authorities facing with the indelicacy of certain managers or opinion leaders. These aspects were the object of suggestion for the improvement of the management of Millennium development goals.

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