T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

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Maria Lourthammal Simon of Kanniyakumari District (1911 - 2002)

( Volume 8 Issue 7,July 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ashithakhosh.G.C, Dr. T. Lysammal


Maria Lourthammal Simon, Kanniyakumari District


Maria Lourthammal Simon was the first Woman Minister from Kanniyakumari District. She was elected to the TamilNadu Legislative Assembly as an Indian National Congress Candidate from Colachel Constituency in Kanniyakumari District. She was the Minister for Local Administration, Fisheries in the Madras State and Public Works Department during the Second Chief Ministership of Kamaraj, who remained in power from April 13, 1957 to March 1, 1962. She is the only Woman Minister in the Cabinet of K. Kamaraj. She built bridges across the Anantha Victoria Maharani (AVM) Canal in 1959 at Marthandamthurai and Thootthur. She also constructed Government Hospital and Guest House at Nagercoil in 1959. She created revolution in the field of fishing by introducing new innovations. She took steps to improve the welfare of poor students and fishermen. Her role was of great landmark in the history of women progress in Kanniyakumari District.

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