T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Numerical investigations on vibration characteristics of sandwich plate

( Volume 6 Issue 4,April 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Lu Shi, Yining Mao, Ying Chen


This paper focuses on vibration characteristics of sandwich plate. The validity of the proposed method is verified by comparing the numerical results of the supported beam at both ends with the theoretical model. The numerical simulation of sandwich plate subjected to harmonic excitations was investigated by using finite element software ANSYS. The effects of different plate thickness, core thickness and core elastic modulus on the vibration characteristics of the sandwich were discussed by comparing the numerical results. The natural frequency and amplitude-frequency response curves of the structures under different parameters were obtained. The dynamic characteristics of sandwich plates, stiffened plates and steel sheets under similar weight conditions were analyzed. The results can guide design of warship structures.

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