T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Optimization and Evaluation Experiment of Surfactant Agent for Surfactant-Polymer Flooding System

( Volume 8 Issue 6,June 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Xinran Wang, Xianbo Luo, Fengjun Zhou, Gang Wang, Xiaolin Zhu


Surfactant, solubility, interfacial tension, laboratory research.


In order to improve the development effect of chemical flooding in offshore oil field, the mechanism and influencing factors of Surfactant-polymer flooding system were analysed. Taking Oilfield A as the research target, according to the similarity criterion, under the conditions of simulated reservoir temperature and pressure, eleven kinds of surfactants were optimized and evaluated. According to the analysis and comparison of the experimental results, Betaine, α-Olefin sulfonate and SP-4073 surfactants have good interfacial activity and solubility with formation water. The interfacial tension between surfactant and crude oil at different concentrations was measured by interfacial tension instrument, and the change trend of interfacial tension with the mass concentration of three surfactants was obtained. With the increase of surfactant mass concentration, the interfacial tension first decreases to a critical point and then increases. SP-4073 can form the lowest interfacial tension with crude oil in a wide range of mass concentration, so it becomes the most suitable surfactant for Surfactant-polymer flooding system in Oilfield A.



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