T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Piping layout for fire sprinkler system: An overview

( Volume 4 Issue 3,March 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Kshitiz Vishnoi


In today’s times, the designing of piping systems has become an important field. With increased urbanization, and construction of complex infrastructures like advanced warehouses, factories, power distribution centers, refineries, multi-storied residential and  commercial buildings, etc. , having a good piping system is a must for supplying adequate amount of clean water for fighting against fire threats. Earlier, piping design was done by using many manual calculations and formulation methods. This made piping design a laborious and time-consuming process and it was also prone to large amount of errors. However, modern piping design is done by using software such as ANSYS, CFD, AUTOCAD, etc. for doing calculations and drawing/designing the required layout. This not only reduces the computation times, but also allows us to have a virtual simulation of the chosen design, thereby giving us a better idea about how effective the chosen piping design will be before it is implemented, thus allowing us to fine tune the design for better output and also reducing the errors. In this paper, we highlight the requirements of a good piping system, and we elaborate upon the various steps involved in designing of such systems, and choosing the suitable type of piping layout for the required conditions such as available pressure, consumption demand, flow rate, etc. and performing various calculations on the basis of the above factors.



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