T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Research On Uranium Recovery From Uranium-Containing Products

( Volume 4 Issue 9,September 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Kenzhaliyev B. K, Dosymbayeva Z. D, Berkinbayeva A.N, Suleimenov E. N, Sharipov R. KH, Zheksembiyeva B. T


The processes of uranium extraction from uranium-bearing ores using oxidizers and catalysts, uranium sorption from productive solutions on Purolite A500 anionite have been studied. Comparative studies was carried out on leaching of uranium from ores using traditional oxidizing agents: ammonium nitrate, sodium peroxoborate (FGP), iron (III) and using the catalyst "M-1" including manganese, cobalt, nickel, iron in total 0 , 3 g / dm3, a paramagnetic catalyst based on iron - "PM". When using the catalyst "M-1" after 12 hours of the experiment, uranium extraction was 86 mg / dm3. Investigations have been carried out on uranium extraction from the productive leaching solutions in the presence of the M-1 catalyst on the ion exchange anion exchangers Purolite A500 and Ambersep-920 to select the optimum sorbent to maximize the recovery of the useful component from the solution. The possibility of using Purolite A500 and Ambersep-920 anion exchangers for extracting uranium from leach solutions is shown. It has been established that the sorption and capacitance characteristics of Purolite A500 and 2-Ambersep-920 sorbents are approximately equal.

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