T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

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Students perception towards social media with special reference to Management Students of Bhopal Madhya Pradesh

( Volume 2 Issue 1,January 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

Bhuvanesh Kumar Sharma, Manish Jain, Deepak Tiwari


Social media provides a digital platform for people across the world. It creates awareness amongst people to participate and share information online. This is because of globalization and advancement of digital technology. India is experiencing changes in society by social media technology. The growth of social media is changing behaviors, perceptions, and attitudes of people and growth of online social technologies induce audiences to become digital friendly; changing user behavior from passive to active, non-participatory to participation, and enabling users that was otherwise unknown or untapped. Therefore social media effect almost everyone in the universe whether individuals, businesses, and society and also provide an equal opportunity to share thoughts, opinions, and share information. It helps in empowering people in society to spread a point of view on social causes and change, participation in digital activisms, and support and information sharing in crisis situations. Cultural adoption and availability/understanding of technology prove to be an obstacle for many in underdeveloped areas of India. Now a day’s accessing of social networking sites is a Global phenomena. Most of developing countries like; in India people are more frequently using the social sites. Accessing of social sites is not only limited just for fun, there are so many purpose people serve while using these sites. This research paper attempt to identify the various purpose of using social networking sites. This paper also examines the effectiveness of social sites for social development of people. Present study is descriptive in nature. Primary data is used as data collection method which is collected by formulating a close ended questionnaire which consists of 14 statements. 100 respondents have been surveyed which was collected from Bhopal regions. For the testing of hypothesis manual Chi square test used. The study concludes that gender doesn’t have significant effect on the frequency of using social sites. Majority of respondents were agree that usage of social sites is not just limited to chatting with friends but also use for Business networking, Jobs and entertainment purpose. The study also conclude that these sites develop the social stability in people however respondents think that sharing personal information is risky on social networking sites.

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