T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Study on Heat Transfer Characteristic of Furnace Bottom for Waste Heat Recovery

( Volume 4 Issue 9,September 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ruiyu Yang, Yanxia Wang


The temperature of Calcined Petroleum Coke particles is as high as 1000℃,which is of great significance in waste heat recovery applications. Water cooling type furnace bottom specified  for Tank Calcination Furnace waste heat recovery system can significantly reduce heat loss and decrease thermal stress. In this paper heat transfer characteristic is investigated numerically and experimentally followed by analysis of temperature uniformity, numerical simulation results have good agreement with experimental data. Influence of parameters that velocity and inlet temperature on heat transfer characteristic are investigated and optimization design is obtained. The results are presented as follows: water cooling type furnace bottom significantly reduce heat loss and improve temperature uniformity, heat recovery proportion is up to 72.2% and average heat transfer coefficient ranges from 460~550 w·(m2·℃)-1; as inlet temperature increase heat transfer quantity decrease gradually and outlet temperature increases  linearly with constant temperature increment; as fluid velocity increases heat transfer quantity increases and outlet temperature decrease linearly; as fluid velocity increases heat transfer coefficient and pressure  drop increase; the optimized channel structure improves flow pattern and heat transfer is presented.

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