T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Sustainable Potato Production in the Philippine Cordillera Region

( Volume 3 Issue 6,June 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ines C. Gonzales, Cynthia G. Kiswa, Arlene B. Bautista


This study represents the collection of secondary data, focal group discussion, key informants and stake holders workshop to gather information on the existing production of potato in the cordillera region.  Results showed that in the Philippines production eventually decreased in 2011 to 2014 with 124,671.18 to 119,140.02 due to limited planting materials and low price.   Cordillera Region had the highest production of  102,255.24 mt (32%) particulary in Benguet with 89,918 metric tons with  yield of  17.38 tons/ha. Potatoes is locally grown in higher elevations of Benguet and Mt Province with an elevation of 1,200 to 2,000 masl.  They are usually being planted two times a year Feb planting and harvested at May while second cropping starts June to Sept to December, however it could be planted the whole year  round especially if they have irrigation facilities.  Potatoes are being irrigated with the used of ‘sprinkler method in which  source of water is from creek. Production cost of potato ranged from  206,400 thousand   with a ROI of 74%.  High cost includes cost of planting materials (30%) and  chemicals with  26 % of the production cost. With the introduction of clean planting materials from tissue culture production cost was lowered.  NPRCRTC and BPI-BNRDC are producing potato stem  cuttings from tissue culture and are being sold at minimal cost to the farmers at P1.00/cutting.  Igorota variety is being sold at NPRCRTC while Granola is being dispersed by BPI-BNRDC.  Dispersals was high during the months of February until April. In 2010 to 2014 the total dispersal was   estimated.  Thru the years the NPRCRTC could produced 700,000 cuttings in  year and these are being dispersed to our highland potato growers, inorder to renew their planting material and these had improved their production with 30% on thier income.  There are four farmers (2 Buguias and 2 La Trinidad) who adapted potato seed production thru the use of potato stem cuttings and was trained by NPRCRTC experts.

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