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ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

The introduction of a simulated model using a sphygmomanometer blood pressure measurement and evaluation of error for the model to different cuffs

( Volume 4 Issue 6,June 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Gholam Reza Ataei, Maryam Chopani


Measurement of blood pressure by using of a sphygmomanometer is the common practice in medical centers. So evaluation of how to measurement, accuracy and realization conditions to increase it is very important. In this research, the effects of different Cuff lengths used in sphygmomanometer were evaluated and its error has been compared with the reality of it. this study done on thirty patient by using of sphygmomanometer Piezoelectric Transducer Pulse ,flow meter and then in the laboratory model with providing sufficient conditions was close to reality, the effects of Cuff length in different diameter of arms and amount of error determined. Evaluation of results on sample show 129.722 mm Hg pressure is systolic pressure end of regular waves of sphygmomanometer happens in the pressure of 78.889 mmHg that is diastolic pressure. In this situation, Flow and pulse reach to its initial value. With Comparison of wood with different dimensions was seen that in the wood with 27 cm circumference, complete closure occurs and two stick figures with 23 and 35 cm circumference with low-noise have similar conditions and thus the rage of 23-35 cm can be considered as a reliable range and considered an average between systolic and diastolic pressure as a correct pressure and the condition of two woods with the 21.5 and 38cm circumference with high noise is the same. The results show that the gap from 14.5 to 23 cm circumference and 35 cm above, the measurement has an error, or is false entirely and in the gap 23-35cm can be have reliable measured. Despite the differences in wood and real arm, also the results obtained from the observations apply to the reality.

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