T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

The Reliability of Metrologia 4.0 Data in the Industrial Technological Scenario: How This can Impact the Forms of Dimensional Control in the Industry

( Volume 7 Issue 4,April 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Kathleen Cristina Silveira Cunha, Ramon Oliveira Borges dos Santos, Larissa Silva D'Avila, Regina Elaine Santos Cabette, Wilson de Freitas Muniz, Pedro Henrique Colman Prado, Luiz Felipe Freire Honorato, Mariana Ferreira Benessiuti Motta, Carlos Dolberth Jaeger, Joselito Moreira Chagas, Giulliano Assis Sodero Boaventura, Renann Pereira Gama, Adriano Carlos Moraes Rosa


Metrologia 4.0, Dimensional, IOT, Fourth Industrial Revolution


The evolution of the human being is constant, we are always in search of new technologies, methods and techniques in order to provide several improvements such as, cost reduction, increase in quality, reduction in the use of natural resources, improvement of the workforce, agility of consequently provide improvements in quality of life. With the advancement of technology we came to the so-called "Fourth Industrial Revolution" which aims to generate and obtain data in real time, with the aim of optimizing decision making, increasing quality, mass customization, cost reduction and traceability. In view of this new industrial scenario, some methods will undergo significant changes, such as the field of science and action for measurement, called Metrology, whose purpose of this article is to exemplify metrology 4.0, calibration procedure with the help of IoT, calibration certificates in metrology 4.0, reliability, guarantee and security of the generated data. In view of fact that the area of Metrology has always been highlighted by major innovations in its working methods, using instruments of highly accurate measurements, these instruments in most cases can be mechanical or electronic equipment, but they need to be correctly calibrated to perform the function that has been proposed with excellence. Thus highlights the importance for the industrial scenario today, where concepts of IoT, machine learning, data science, artificial intelligence and industrial automation are tools that all engineering professional should obtain thorough knowledge. Mainly professionals in the area of metrology, which can use these concepts and tools to ensure the standard and reliability of the calibration of the measuring instruments.



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