T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Voltage Regulation by Adaptive PI Control of STATCOM

( Volume 2 Issue 12,December 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

K. Harinath Reddy, B. Murali Mohan, S. Pravallika Rani


To Maintain Voltage Regulation A STATCOM Provides The Fast And Efficient Reactive Power. In order to understand various STATCOM control methods are discussed in the literature. But in those methods they use the trail and error approach methods so the performance is trade off. so at different operating points the control parameters may not be effective for the optimal performance. In order to overcome this problem an adaptive control technique came in to picture, in which the control gains automatically self adjusted as per our desired response  even with the change of operating condition that’s why we named as autonomous adjustment. In the simulation test, the adaptive PI control shows consistent excellence under various operating conditions, such as different initial control gains, different load levels, change of transmission network, consecutive disturbances, and a severe disturbance. when there is a change of system conditions the conventional STATCOM control with tuned, fixed PI gains usually perform fine in the original system, but may not perform as efficient as the proposed control method.To Maintain Voltage Regulation A STATCOM Provides The Fast And Efficient Reactive Power. In order to understand various STATCOM control methods are discussed in the literature. But in those methods they use the trail and error approach methods so the performance is trade off. so at different operating points the control parameters may not be effective for the optimal performance. In order to overcome this problem an adaptive control technique came in to picture, in which the control gains automatically self adjusted as per our desired response  even with the change of operating condition that’s why we named as autonomous adjustment. In the simulation test, the adaptive PI control shows consistent excellence under various operating conditions, such as different initial control gains, different load levels, change of transmission network, consecutive disturbances, and a severe disturbance. when there is a change of system conditions the conventional STATCOM control with tuned, fixed PI gains usually perform fine in the original system, but may not perform as efficient as the proposed control method.

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