T R A C K       P A P E R
ISSN:2394-3661 | Crossref DOI | SJIF: 5.138 | PIF: 3.854

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online and Print Journal)

Water Pollution in Balochistan Province of Pakistan

( Volume 2 Issue 6,June 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

Safoora Kanwa, Muhammad Kamran Taj, Shagufta saddozai, Imran Taj, Ferhat Abbas, Zafar Ahmed, Abdul Samad, Irfan Shahzad Sheikh, Muhammad Zahid Mustafa, Zohra Samreen, Taj Muhammad Hassani


Water pollution is one of the main environmental issues in Balochistan. This serious environment issue leads to many deaths in Balochistan. In most of the places of Balochistan clean and safe water is now totally converted to polluted water. Drinking water sources, both surface and groundwater are contaminated with coliforms, toxic metals and pesticides throughout the Balochistan. Various drinking water quality parameters set by WHO are frequently violated. Human activities like improper disposal of municipal and industrial effluents and indiscriminate applications of agrochemicals in agriculture are the main factors contributing to the deterioration of water quality. Microbial and chemical pollutants are the main factors responsible exclusively or in combination for various public health problems. People of these areas are drinking polluted water due to unavailability of clean water. Drinking of polluted water can causes major health disease. Major diseases connected with polluted drinking water in Balochistan are diarrhea, gastroenteritis, typhoid, cryptosporidium infections, giardiasis intestinal worms, some strains of hepatitis and infant deaths are caused by waterborne diarrhea in Balochistan.

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